Our team are Ukrainians and we help Ukrainians both professionally and philanthropically.
We support the "Children of Heroes" charitable foundation with personal donations, income from some events, as well as partner rewards and incentives.
If you also want to get involved, below you will find information about the foundation and their contacts.
About Children of Heroes
Children of Heroes was founded to help the countless number of Ukrainian children who have suffered the ultimate tragedy: the loss of a parent, or parents, during the ongoing war. The Fund provides the children and their families with comprehensive assistance, led by our team of Family Helpers. All the programs are funded by the Fund's partners and donors.
The children of Heroes, those who have fought bravely for a free and prosperous Ukraine, are also Heroes themselves and deserve care and ongoing support to help them achieve a brighter future.
All of the Fund's initiatives are dedicated to improving the well-being of children who have suffered from the effects of the war and every donation directly helps each child supported by the Fund until he or she reaches adulthood. Donations fund programs including: humanitarian and emergency aid, psychological care and therapy, crisis management, legal aid, educational support, as well as the provision of food, warm clothing and assistance securing shelter for children, when needed.